Comments on: Concord Floorstanding Loudspeaker Premium Speakers and Headphones Since 1957 Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:14:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: tedzbear Thu, 07 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 I am extremely happy with these speakers. The sound is incredible and I’m just playing two speaker stereo. It really fills the room.

By: Tedzbear Thu, 07 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 I am extremely happy with these speakers. The sound is incredible and I’m just playing two speaker stereo. It really fills the room.

By: Lee from Pahoa Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 KLH Fusion buds- After the break in period, I notice the sound from these has improved; great separation of highs and lows, not over bassy like some of these tend to be. Fit is comfortable; I did not have to switch out the tips. They pair quickly to my walkman which I like. Have not tried the voice commands yet so cannot review this aspect of these great buds. Pros: Great fit Pairs quickly Good sound quality after break in period

By: MB Wed, 17 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Crisp and punchy but a bit bright. Compared to my previous Boston Acoustic HD10s, these are significantly crisper, more detailed, and provide more bass (they’re rated 28-20000 but the bass doesn’t begin to appear until 33 hz). You don’t need a subwoofer unless you are watching movies/tv. They really shined with jazz and classical music, but were a bit too bright/harsh for rock and movies until I ran Audyssey MultiEQ XT, turned on Cinema EQ, and did a “toe out”. Overall I’d say, very good for movies, but not so great for music listening because vocals in music sounds a bit tinny, perhaps due to the aluminum tweeter? I’d give them a higher score if they weren’t so bright and were bi-wired. It’s shocking that these $900 a pair speakers don’t come bi-wired. Also, I doubt the 94 dba sensitivity because they don’t sound any louder than my 88 dba JBLs. I got them much cheaper as open box, but I wouldn’t pay the full $900 for a pair. They are very good, but not quite audiophile quality. Note: these blended well with my JBL Sl610 center and surround speakers. Fine to mix and match.

By: J.P. Thu, 02 Sep 2021 18:37:00 +0000 I did not purchase these speakers, I actually ended up winning them (shout out Andrew Robinson). I was disappointed when researching them at the lack of information and reviews available on them, so I’m going to attempt to go into some detail here. Fair warning, I’m an audio enthusiast, not an audiophile, and these are the highest end speakers I’ve ever heard. This is an upgrade from Pioneer SP-FS51s for me, and I also own Klipsch R-41Ms and am familiar with Klipsch R-620Fs. Most of my conclusions are compared to a Sennheiser Game One headset, based off the Sennheiser 559 drivers, the most neutral listening gear I own.

For those who don’t want to read, TLDR (short review) from Wife. On the highs “I didn’t think highs on speakers sounded different until I heard these” On lows, specifically Beasty Boys “Intergalactic” “Its like we were missing half the song!”

Detailed Review
High End
The detail and clarity for me on the highs blew me away. The SP-FS51s are known for being a bit rolled of on the high end but the R-41ms, which are fairly bright, didn’t bring out the detail like these did. “Hedwigs Theme” the seperation between different and similar instruments was greatly expanded. female vocals sound great. Taylor Swift, Betty. Halsey, Colors, all clear and natural. Cymbal crashes at high volumes will make you wince (like they should). Thirty Seconds to Mars “Battle of One” intro made me jump. Overall the high end came off raised, almost bright for me but probably because I’m coming from the rolled off Pioneers, and the detail was worth it. I’ve never found them fatiguing at any volume that isn’t fatiguing by nature.

Mids/Mid Bass
I’m not an audiophile, I listen for speed, impact, and natural male vocals. Male vocals, great. Bon Iver, Exile, from T Swifts folklore, excellent. Disturbed Sound of Silence, excellent. Also, plenty of speed and impact, similar in performance to the R-620s for liveliness down low. 10,000 fists, Disturbed beginning kick drum, great impact. I think the .5 of the 2.5 speaker design is a great addition, and helps with this.

Note* The 2.5 way system KLH employs here is very cool, with the lower woofer filtering out at 600Hz to allow the lower woofer to concentrate on deep and agile bass.

Surprisingly good. Its rated to 28Hz and I believe in the right conditions it reaches down that far. For most rock and non bass focused music you could probably go without a subwoofer. Beasty Boys, intergalactic, it follows ALL the way down, and it sounds like it gets to high 30’s with some authority. But bass focused songs that dig deep into the 20s and 30s and are looking for power, Super Bass, Nicki Minaj, or Astronaut in the Ocean, Masked Wolf, you’ll be missing some notes down low which is typical. The bass is good enough that while A-B ing these with the pioneers playing Intergalactic my wife, who was just humoring me even participating, turned and went “WOW. ITS LIKE WE WERE MISSING HALF THE SONG”

Build quality on this speaker looks great. The speakers look great as long as you’re into the big monolith with cool drivers aesthetic. The Kevlar woofers have a cool texture to them that looks good in varying light conditions. The black vinyl wrap is textured, which I like. Very cool that they give floor spikes at this price with discs for hardwood floors, and let them be adjustable. They also include rubber feet, but my hardwood floors aren’t level so the floor spikes with the floor protecting discs were a great addition (and they look so cool!). Binding posts, great. In the looks and build quality department my only knock would be that with the grills on, it is truly a featureless rectangle. You lose all points of interest, but if you’re going for low key maybe that’s a positive. They ship with port plugs, an excellent addition, as these are huge and likely need to be up against the wall for most. Having received them for free and been able to test them, I would now happily purchase them at the current asking price. I do hope to see a matching center in the same line in the future. I also hope they market these speakers more, I had never heard of them before winning them in this giveaway. I hope to leave this same review on KLHs amazon page and include pictures.

KLH customer service note. 3 times during this process I needed to contact customer service (not related to product issues). They were helpful and responsive within 24 hours every time, even giving me information on future product releases to help inform future purchases. Experience couldn’t have been better.

By: MVS from Columbia, SC Thu, 19 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Killer sound and Value! Got “scratch and dent” from Crutchfield, but I couldn’t tell where they were damaged, dog kudos to the team for such high standards. I also got a Denon AVR-650S to pair. Out of the box, these speakers were a little harsh, with very pronounced highs and pretty strong bass, which is expected for such a high sensitivity speaker. For home listening, you will not need a subwoofer at all. In my medium size bedroom, I am rocking out. Speakers took a while for me to get placed correctly (at least 7ft apart), but well worth the effort. Changing speaker placement changed the EQ, so I redid the Audyssey rebalance each time, which mellowed out the highs, and cleaned up the lows. Once I dialed in the EQ, and placement, boy did the soundstage open up! It’s so precise that I can hear sounds behind me in many Chemical Brothers songs, where they play with the phase. I found I had to drive the speakers somewhat loud (more than -15dB) to get them to sound the best, but boy is the soundstage gigantic. Even with mellow music like Diana Krall, the vocals really fill up the soundstage so nicely. There is a surprising amount of depth as well. Once you EQ out the highs, and warm up the sound, these speakers will deliver in spades. I can’t believe the value they offer. I don’t need anything much beyond 100 Watts anyway. I was planning on getting additional surround speakers and a subwoofer, but I don’t think I need them anymore. I must congratulate KLH on a killer product. Pros: Value, sound quality, soundstage Cons: highs harsh out of box, required EQ though AVR.

By: Ron Lucas Thu, 05 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Too good at this price. Just one of these will blow any $1,500 speaker.
